Choose Wisely? CMG Chipotle Mexican Grill

Over at financial forum... more Nattering about CMG Chipotle Mexican Grill E-Coli outbreaks.

P: "I guess it will be China and the Philippine trade data but I'm bored writing about China, though people still don't believe it, so I haven't done my job well enough…."

We Nattered... Life is all about choices and you have chosen wisely.

"Chipotle could reopen locations in Washington state and Oregon as soon as Wednesday after a batch of tests found no E. coli bacteria in food samples. Investigations do not always identify a specific food source as the culprit, because contaminated food is at times consumed before the samples are collected. All of Chipotle's (NYSE:CMG) 43 outlets in those areas, which appear to have sickened over 40 people, have been closed since Oct. 31."

There was quite a bit of commentary in this forum re: above ecoli outbreak.  The cause? For comparison, there was the 2006 Ecoli outbreak. This latest was not Revenge of the Sith, but perhaps Revenge of The Bhagwan Rajneesh?  Did we forget the first bioterror attack on the US?
That is, if you don't count the handing of smallpox ridden blankets to the only real native Americans and indigenous people that have the right to say "go home immigrant". That genocide has been in dispute for decades, but it seems that the evidence and logical argument  for it's authenticity is solid.   

Mighty White and Christian of those proud Americans, right along with slavery, womens suffrage and internment camps.  Again, life is about choices, so don't choose poorly.
