The Lost Americans

Over at a financial forum...

StJL - "talking about the Labor Dept manipulating numbers to influence the election! At least, if this administration lies to manipulate the process, 3000 people won't die!"

Sad to say my friend, they will, they have and they aren't the first. At a minimum the current administration can take credit for 45,000 additional deaths, and you can call these the "Lost Americans".... 

Since 1998 in rich countries (France, Germany, UK, Canada, Australia, Sweden, USA) morbidity rates for white non hispanics aged 44-54 have declined 34%; while in the US they have increased 8.5%.  No other RICH country has seen this turnaround since 1998.

Had the 1998 morbidity rate HELD (which had declined 2% per annum or 44% between 1979-1998) , this would have resulted in 96,000 less American deaths for an average of 5.6K per annum lives saved over 17 years (1999-2015) . 

Had the 1998 morbidity rate continued DECREASING at the 1979 -1998 rate of 2% per annum, this would have resulted in 500,000 less American deaths for an average of 29.4K per annum lives saved over 17 years (1999-2015) . 

To put this number in perspective, it dwarfs the total number of US deaths from Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq combined by 5 to 1; exceeds the total number of US deaths in WW1 and WW2 combined, and and is EQUAL to the lives lost in the US AIDS epidemic through 2015.

The three causes of death that account for this EXCLUSIVE mortality reversal among white non-Hispanics aged 44-55 in the US, namely suicide, drug and alcohol poisoning (accidental and intent undetermined), and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis. After 1998, all three causes increased year over year, as the despondent either offed themselves, overdosed on drugs or alcohol; or drank themselves to death. 

Carry on as you were, employment is good, all is well,  keep sucking it up, and try not to forget the "Lost Americans". Out.

For a follow up, read More Lost Americans.
