The Jet Pack and Die Glocke Wunderwaffe

Over at a financial forum...
We Nattered: Advill,  Nice on the JB jetpack, when I saw Kubricks 2001 in 1968, I thought we would be there by 2001.  Oh well, I remember the 66 Super Bowl jetpack demo and the one on Lost in Space too, at least we finally got the jetpack right.  The jetpack cost in 2010 was 200K with a whole nine minutes of flight time.  Check out "Where's My Jetpack" for a trippy retrospective including John Robinson (Lost in Space) and the only James Bond (Sean Connery).
As we Nattered previouslywithout the binding force, the very fabric of time, space and all matter would dissolve into a formless energy plasma and the other forces would be quite useless.  Hold two magnets + + and see them repel, that force is exerted by photons or light. The good news? If one can control the binding force which Maxwell found – electro magnetism – then one can alter the physical nature or construct of space time – warp – and in addition to many other things, can travel much faster than light.
If one could harness enough of the binding force to repel the earth's magnetism… of course the magnet would have to be supercooled with helium as used in magnetic resonance imaging.  But then again,  you could utilize Die Glocke Wunderwaffe or magnets and mercury, like a magnetic vortex motor, or a Tesla unipolar, hmmm.  Makes one wonder if this technology was used to levitate monolithic stones for construction purposes by the ancients.  Nah, slave labor, just like today. Anyway, here is a futuristic (not here yet) look at one of those many other things, which would render JB's jet pack useless.  But judging from how long it took to get to this point, probably not in our lifetime.
