The Force Awakens?


Discussion of the potential impacts on equity, bond, commodity, capital and asset markets regarding the following:
  • Jobs Market; Monetary Aggregates; Yen Dollar Carry Trade
  • Yellen's Speech Problem?; Monetary Velocity; Reserves Required
  • Aggregates and Reserve Balances Maintained vs SP500

Star Wars:The Force Awakens official poster image courtesy of The Walt Disney Company.

On The Synthetic Matrix a reader commented: "Just binge read the last eight or so of your articles this weekend. Quite entertaining and informative as always. Please continue with the theme headlines, relevant narratives, entertaining links, graphs, data, et al."

On our last missive The 5:15, a reader commented: "OK, I admit it, I read your articles for the pictures. Thx."

For those who enjoy themes, graphs, images, videos and being informed while entertained, this missive might suit you, in spades.  At a minimum, we highly recommend clicking on all the video links, particularly the Prologue.  Get your popcorn, hot dogs, candy and soda cause it's Showtime...


It is a period of intergalactic economic malaise and currency war. Following three tightening episodes of QE, which have arrested economic growth....  

Click here for the complete 90 second introductory crawl video.

This missive was published as an exclusive to Seeking Alpha.  To access the ENTIRE text for FREE on Seeking Alpha, please click here.  The Nattering One does not receive remuneration if you register, only satisfaction.

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