Soylent Green Chimera - H5N1

We are going somewhere with this, follow the trail of crumbs through the leads to You Are What You Eat.

In November 2000, an Australian biotechnology company - Amrad - took out a patent on a process which it claims would allow animals to be developed with body parts originating from humans.

The patent covers embryos containing cells both from humans and from 'mice, sheep, pigs, cattle, goats or fish'. The patent was taken out in January 1999, and was discovered by a researcher in the German office of Greenpeace.

In effect this patent covers the creation of chimera or "chimeric" human - animal hybrids. The potential irony is that disposed laboratory chimera "waste" could wind up in animal feed.

The animals eating that feed or worse yet, an actual chimera, could wind up on the dinner plate. Charlton Heston's famous line from Soylent Green comes to mind, "Soylent Green is made of people".

UK Observer
