Dampflok, Arbeit Macht Frei??

In Dampflok, Blowing Off Steam? we noted some ad hominem commentary that we had received in our latest at SA: Yen For Dollar? or Godzilla?

We had also referred the offendi to our standard rejoinder for trolls: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit: The Black Watch.

We thought that was the end of the matter, but no!!!! The following morning this email from the SA thought police was waiting in our inbox....

"Please understand that we need to maintain civil, constructive discussion, and comments like this one aren't acceptable per our community guidelines. We've therefore removed it and kindly request that going forward you express yourself more diplomatically."

The Nattering One muses and responds to SA's automaton generated tripe: Really?  Hollow words from Paper Lions, as this contributor and author senses the thought police need to rethink their thinking, that is if they are or can.  

We have seen this uncalled for mindless kind of form letter response from the thought police before: "it is unacceptable to post comments that wield threats, violence, insults, personal attacks or harm the collegial atmosphere we encourage on our site."

To honor that "collegial atmosphere" which the mind police wish to foster, in this case rather than use the inappropriate term "colleague", I shall use the term "collegian" because many who comment on the site, obviously do not read or cannot comprehend, then comment blindly as they see fit without repercussion.

The fact is, while the thought police stood by and took no action, this author cataloged a litany of ad hominem insults that were publicly levied by the collegian, then posted it in a logical, civil, constructive and diplomatic response. 

The abusive collegian earned and needed that justly deserved response by the author.  No whining on the authors part to the thought police was necessary, a job well done and justice served.

But no, when the infantile collegian with the bruised ego cried and whined like a spoiled child, what did the authors sponsors do? Did the thought police come to defend the author with their guardianship of the vaunted guidelines?  No, no... the thought police came running and instead of taking the time to read what had actually transpired, reacted in a ham fisted, non thinking manner.

The thought police censored the authors civil response, and left numerous collegiate ad hominem insults to stand. That's how the thought police have their valued contributor's back? 

This makes the hard working author look emasculated like one of the new age thought police eunuch's. No thanks, their bad and badge, not the authors, who still has a pair and will defend himself vigorously.

In this case, the thought police mimic the collegian by not taking the time to read or comprehend, then reacting mindlessly. This improper reactionary behavior sets a bad precedent and is one of the tragedies of the commons. 

The thought polices actions only reinforce bad behavior on the part of the collegians, who accordingly act as if they are immune to the consequences of their actions. With this kind of reactionary non "thinking" and non sense, it's no wonder we are in a world of shit where there is no accountability.

In essence, the inmates are allowed to run wild. But when they get what they deserve, the thought police spare the rod and spoil the troll?  Contrary to what is claimed in the automaton email quoting "guidelines", the actions speak volumes and engender an environment of no accountability, no brains, no headaches, proving that the inmates are running the asylum.

This contributor could care less about ham fisted guidelines, much less give a rats ass about the collegiate horse the thought police claim to have rode in on, but can't seem to lead to water.

For lack of being administered uniformly, the site policies seemingly engender to masquerade collegians as legitimate commentators without limitation under an air of "civility".  We call bull shit.

In the future, if the "collegiate atmosphere" is not properly controlled on this authors posts, he will continue to act as Sheriff. When necessary coming out with both pistols blazin, taking names and asking questions, later.   

Bottom line, this contributor and author will not be insulted, used as a door mat or an emotional tampon by any collegian trolls. Arbeit macht frei?? A German phrase meaning "work sets you free." 

Above note, the slogan is famous for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other German concentration camps.

If you think this hard working author will lie down quietly, while the thought police stand by, do nothing and look the other way, like the residents of Bergen near Belsen?  As that would be a gas, guess again and the thought police better think twice in the future before they react mindlessly.

Respectfully TNN

PS - As the Dude said...  
