Woodward Apologizes and Swallows Deeply

The Washington Post's Carl Woodward famed for protecting the identity of Watergate's Deep Throat - FBI assistant director Mark Felt - testified in the PlameGate proceedings.

Under oath Woodward stated that a senior Bush administration official told him about Valerie Plame about a month before her identity as a CIA operative was publicly revealed.

Woodward told Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald that the official casually told him in mid-June 2003 that Plame worked as a CIA analyst on weapons of mass destruction, and that he did not believe the information to be classified or sensitive.

Woodward never mentioned this contact, which was at the center of a criminal investigation and a high-stakes First Amendment legal battle between the prosecutor and two news organizations, to his supervisors until last month.

Woodwards co-author and investigative partner in the Watergate investigation, Carl Bernstein commented.
“This investigation, has cast a constant searchlight that the White House can’t turn off the way it has succeeded in turning off the press.

So their methodology and their dishonesty and their disingenuousness, particularly about how we went to war, as well as their willingness to attack and rough up people who don’t agree with them are now there for all to see.

They can’t turn off this searchlight, which is shining on a White House that runs a media apparatus so sophisticated in discrediting its critics it makes the Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Ziegler press shop look like a small time operation.”

Mr. Bernstein is putting it kindly, as previously stated in these pages, "L. Lewis Libby sure sounds alot like G. Gordon Liddy."

Woodward has had exclusive insider status with the Bush White House, having authored two books regarding the administration, with a third going to press shortly. These fact's combined with Woodward's conduct have forced him to publicly apologize to the Post and has tarnished his reputation.

We are of the opinion that this former icon of independance in the press, has completely sold out and is now a posterboy for the boot licking suck ups in the media that fawn over Rove's Rogues.

Furthermore, this former icons image has been reduced to nothing more than Judith Miller in drag. For shame, for shame, who's next?
