Whom? Why? How?

Menzie Chinn at Econbrowser deftly notes the effect of oil prices on the latest trade balance numbers. Mish sez America's on Sale, to the highest bidder, but in the end, how do we win?

We have previously noted in these pages that a big FOR SALE 30% OFF sign has been hanging on our door for awhile now. And this has attracted alot of foreign money into acquiring our monetarily devalued assets.

We have also previously noted that
China and OPEC need us far more, than we need them. Now, let the rant begin...

Tonight's offering submitted for your perusal and acceptance.. witness silent partners in crime, a subtle and almost undetectable broad daylight fleecing in progress.

Yet muffled screams can be heard from the obscured periphery. Questions to be answered, Whom? Why? How?

From the latest trade balance numbers: adding China and OPEC together constitutes 37% of our deficit. Think about it.

Isn't it time that we pay more to manufacture goods and energy at home, build a durable economic base and keep our own employed.

Rather than be dependent upon and supporting governments that are diametrically opposed to what we used to stand for?

With the economic treatment OPEC and China have received from the last two administrations, I'm sure T. Roosevelt and R. Reagan are rolling over in their graves, right about now.

When will we learn that multinational's and most corporations are sworn to profit and loyal to none? The corporations, their high paid lobbyists and our supposed representatives in government have all sold us down a river for a couple of pence and a sack of silver.

Its time to take back that which our forefathers fought so hard for and we let the "prostitutes of profit" take away from us so easily. And if we have to do it the old fashioned way, so be it.

Monetary deception and spin are the modern day "crack" of the masses, which has transformed the public as
Martin Goldberg at Financial Sense notes, " ā€Whatā€™s good for corporate America and the stock market, is good for me. Hey, the stock market and my house are going up in price, arenā€™t they?"

"In too deep, they have little in the way of independence; in many cases they are totally dependent on lifestyles they almost canā€™t stand. In short, even though they are in the land of freedom, they become less free."

In any event, "taking it back" will not be easy as the former pack of lean hungry wolves known as "Americans" has been slowly transformed by our dedicated lack of leadership (vis a vis profit whores and treasonous turncoats) into
a herd of fat, ignorant, lazy and feeble minded sheep.

Truth, Justice and The "American" Way, indeed now nothing more than a long lost urban myth and a perverse synonym for a plate being served as elitist global economic terrorism, wrought with hypocrisy, deceit and genuine contempt for the very common man for which it was incarnated.

Whom? Why? How? Questions asked and answered, tonight in the Naybob Zone...
