Who Do You Trust?

Read Jubaks excellent missive "Do You Trust The Saudis?" on how energy producing juntas indirectly control our economy.

And you thought the Fed had control? You would do well to grow up, get real and face this fact:

The USA has gone co-op in a political coop. AKA... At the local, state and federal level, we have been sold down a river by the pack of greedy elitist whores which infest our executive, legislative and judicial branches.

Our "government" which is owned, lock, stock and barrel by multi national corporate and foreign interests will NEVER support a plan for true energy independance.

Why? Its no longer government by the people or for the people, its government for the elitists and for profit... thus allowing the latest economic terrorists on the block to maintain control.

On rates and the bond market:

By the Fed's own admission, the growth of global liquidity has reduced the U.S. central bank's ability to control interest rates -- and thus the economy -- in the United States.

Think about this: The Fed raises short-term interest rates relentlessly from their 1% low in June 2003, and yet long-term rates sink as global cash flows overwhelm the Fed's domestic policy shifts

On Oil and Supply Chain Economic Consequence: "
According to a study by the Rand Corp., each $10 increase in the cost of a barrel costs the average American household $700 a year.

In January 2004, the price of oil was $34.27 a barrel, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve. It closed at $65.08 on June 1, 2007. Using Rand's numbers, that's an increase of $2,156 per household for oil.

In that same period -- when the Federal Reserve's short-term interest rate increases pushed the yield on the 10-year Treasury note to 4.95% from 4.30% --

U.S. Gross Domestic Product growth dropped from 3.9% in 2004 to 3.2% in 2005, 3.3% in 2006 and to 0.6% in the first quarter of 2007
