Gracias Gringo: Oregon Fires English Speaking Supervisors

The mental midgets running the Oregon Department of Forestry get our DUH!!! for the day.

Oregon is firing English speaking fire crew supervisors for not speaking Spanish.

Spanish speaking fire fighters in Oregon, some of whom are illegal immigrants and speak no English,

were probably trained and certified by an English speaking fire crew supervisor, through a translator.

From Aug 9th 2002 PBS interview: "With the help of a Spanish translator, he's (an English speaking fire fighting crew manager)

put thousands of people through a four-day, basic fire safety course required by the federal government

In March, the Oregon state Department of Forestry began enforcing a ruling created a couple of years ago...

that requires supervisors on forest firefighting crews to be bilingual. Fox News Coverage on You Tube.

Rather than requiring firefighters to speak English, the state decided to require supervisors to speak both English and Spanish.

Some English only speaking supervisors have been laid off or demoted for not complying with the rule.

The Nattering One muses... Presumably if a Russian speaking immigrant would want to become an Oregon firefighter...

the state would have to advertise for a bilingual supervisor who speaks English and Russian...

or possibly a trilingual supervisor who speaks English, Spanish and Russian? DUH!!!


KipSoOre said…
Coddling to people who refuse to learn and use Enlgish must stop. This is the United States of America and our official language is ENGLISH, not Spanish or Russian, or anything else.
KLUNKERS to the Oregon Dept. of Forestry for adopting this stupid rule in the first place!