Market Observations 04/06/08

Resistance: DJIA 12620 (450DMA); SP500 1380 (600DMA); NAZ 2400 (600DMA); NDX 1875 (400DMA)

Support: DJIA 12225 (600DMA); SP500 1315 (900DMA); NAZ 2265 (950DMA); NDX 1760 (700DMA)

MON 03/24: Hitting resistance at 1350, perhaps a dip then surge to test major resistance at 1400.

FRI 03/28: there may be one more pop to the upside in the tank. Quarter & month end inflows better provide a Tues pop, RIMM on Wen, or else.

MON 03/31: We expect... an irrational bounce to SP500 1380 & NDX 1885. TUES 04/01: Sometime tomorrow, a retrace starts.

THU 04/03: Watch Friday Non Farms Payrolls, a negative number greater than 50K will kick this dead man walkin down another flight of stairs.

FRI 04/04: Re: SP500 1380 & NDX 1885... Close enough on both today to warrant a pullback.

Friday, both numbers got close enough. BOE & ECB rate cuts with rosy report from GE could send us back to test 1400.

However, we sense something very nasty coming out of the woodshed, and it could be a major name brand.

Often wrong, but never in doubt, this is the Nattering Naybob and you're not.
