Fine China, Cost You, Joe

This is old news, but...

Several idiotic Smoot - Hawley type protectionist bills have been introduced into the Senate and House. All scapegoat China as the reason for outsourcing, loss of manufacturing base, etc.

This is nothing but bravado and posturing by our "elected" imbeciles. One in particular states that if the RMB is not revalued within 180 days, a 27.5% tax on all imported Chinese goods will be levied.

If the 27.5% tariff bill as currently proposed, actually gets voted on and those hoople heads in congress pass it and Ol' Oil Dipstick Dubya signs it into effect. I'll eat my shorts.

Think about it and ask yourself just one thing, how much will prices increase at WalMart? Better yet, how many shorts will I place on WalMart stock?

Hmm...I might like the taste of my shorts in that scenario. Food for thought.
