Hubris, Liberty & Enserfment

In "It's Bad News No Matter Which Side of the Aisle You're On", Michael J. Panzner comments:

"anyone who has actually sat down and objectively examined the data -- e.g., total debt levels that are a record three-plus times the level of gross domestic product -- can't help but see that, economically speaking at least, America and its citizens have been living on borrowed time for far too long."

Mr. Panzner then points us to "one individual who can't by any stretch of the imagination be characterized as a left-wing demagogue but who nonetheless disagrees with the proposition that all is well in America...Paul Craig Roberts."

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.

From Mr. Roberts latest,
an absolute must read...

The US economy continues its slow death before our eyes, but economists, policymakers, and most of the public are blind to the tottering fabled land of opportunity.

Hubris prevents realization that Americans are losing their economic future along with their civil liberties and are on the verge of enserfment
