Trust Me On The Sunscreen?

Following up on Wear Sunscreen?
Debt is not to be misconstrued as a beneficial asset, and when it is treated as such, the bankers are out of control.  By raising, the Fed is doing the right thing, but the drunken partygoer's don't want to take their medicine, nor have the punch bowl taken away. 
Rates MUST rise to an equilibrium point where banks will lend into economic endeavor. All else is financialism, money shuffling, transfer payments and results in a zero sum game, ending something like this...

This economic singularity or bankers black hole is sucking everything in and will continue to do so. We have been in the accretion disk, and the event horizon lies ahead. No turning back, too late as gravity takes its toll. Its not sustainable, and like STUPID, there is no cure or pill for it, its forever...

Like the Phoenix, for this economic house of cards to be "cured", unlike past bail out efforts nature must be allowed to take it's course.  Let the unhealthy economic entities burn down to the ground, replete with repudiation of sovereign and corporate debts. Only then, can an attempt be made to resurrect a durable economic foundation in a proper fashion.

How does one "take care" of themselves? Own your assets cash, deleverage, zero out all debt, and do not hold any, as it will become not worth the paper it is printed on. Cut back expenses, save and take an austerity approach. CASH and that which has moneyness will be KING.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth. But trust me on the sunscreen. 

Batten down the hatches and let's be careful out there.

Live long and prosper.

The original "Sunscreen" Chicago Tribune essay June 1st 1997
Wear Sunscreen Wiki
The music video...

More to come in Let Me Warn You? Stay tuned, no flippin.

Recommended reading:
Timing Is Everything?
Know Your Limitations?
Parting The Red Sea?
A Little Shop Of Horrors? 
Where's Your Messiah?
Beware The Ides Of Winter?
Meddling With Powers?
The Perfect Storm?
Begin The Benign?
A Case of Tape-r Worm?
Beware The Ides of Winter Early?
A Disturbing Lack of Faith?
Canary In A Coal Mine?
FreeTrade Warning?
Global Economy Down?
Wear Sunscreen?


ezkappdo said…
Yes sunscreen is needed ...and don't forget to reapply! (as there will be false reversals)