Wear Sunscreen?

Following up on Global Economy Down? A Naybob of Millennialism asks serious questions...
I know this is a fairly speculative question, but I will ask it nonetheless.
Salmo talks about a prolonged depression on the horizon for the US...Do you think we are close to that timeframe? The outlook is ominous. How does one prepare for a depression? As always, thank you so much for your insightful commentary.
The Nattering One muses...

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, Sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience...I will dispense this advice now...

All too well, I remember 87, 00 and of late Nov 08 when F hit $1.01, yes FORD a real company not a TSLA, for a f-ing $1?

Everybody feared BK along with GM. Anyone who knew how worthless GM's CEO was knew that F was a different story, no loans or bailouts. 26 months later in Jan 2011, the stock hit $18.97, time to exit.

Moral of the story? Where there is FEAR, there can be PANIC, and there will be BLOOD. Opportunity awaits those who can see through the fear. There are idiots, just look around. Moving West....

Many speak of the possibility of a recession. What most don't know, like Frogs in a slow boil, is the fact that we are already in a protracted one. Outside of the narrative based in econometric falsity, there never was any recovery.

What Salmo and I speak of, is the next leg down caused by long term conditions, which is inevitable and on the horizon. This process has taken decades of economic mismanagement. The resulting long term recession, or stunted economic state that we have been in, can only be resolved one way.

You cannot resuscitate something that is dead. NIRP and ZIRP have created a zombie economy, and unnatural economic conditions (There Is Something In This More Than Natural), all buoyed by cheap debt. 

Debt is not to be misconstrued as a beneficial asset, and when it is treated as such, the bankers are out of control.  By raising, the Fed is doing the right thing, but the drunken partygoer's don't want to take their medicine, nor have the punch bowl taken away.

Rates MUST rise to an equilibrium point where banks will lend into economic endeavor. All else is financialism, money shuffling, transfer payments and results in a zero sum game, ending something like this...

More to come in Trust Me On The Sunscreen? Stay tuned, no flippin.

Recommended reading:
Timing Is Everything?
Know Your Limitations?
Parting The Red Sea?
A Little Shop Of Horrors? 
Where's Your Messiah?
Beware The Ides Of Winter?
Meddling With Powers?
The Perfect Storm?
Begin The Benign?
A Case of Tape-r Worm?
Beware The Ides of Winter Early?
A Disturbing Lack of Faith?
Canary In A Coal Mine?
FreeTrade Warning?
Global Economy Down?
