Soapbox and Site Improvements

Please note the addition to the sidebar, Barcharts Quote Applets listing Spiders, Holders and other goodies. These are not self updating, once every 10 minutes the data is updated, you have to hit your refresh button to see it.

Recently, I added the pulldown archive menu and POSTED ON THIS PAGE feature in the sidebar, allowing one to access the archive and see what is posted in the archive, without having to scroll all over the place.

If Blogger had categorical archives, I would use them, they dont. Whad'ya want fo free eh?

I will be working towards getting some more market related features on the site. The upside will be better info for you, less work for me. Although, being forced to type in the market data daily, sure does make one notice when something really changes. Like Fridays and todays volume....hint, big hint.

Thanks for bearing with me and if you wish, make some comments or suggestions.
