S&P MidCap 400

MID - like the SP500, this is a market cap weighted index, larger firms have more influence on the index's performance than smaller ones. A mid cap stock is broadly defined as a company with a market capitalization ranging from about $2 billion to $10 billion. The average size of firms in this index is between $1-4 billion. The top 10 holdings represent about 8% of the index.

The MID has historically outperformed the larger S&P 500. Smaller firms generally outperform larger firms over time. As a firm scales up, it becomes more difficult to match the previous growth rate of revenues and earnings. The 400 components of the S&P MidCap 400 Index represent about 7% of the total market value of U.S. equities.

Sector % of Index
Financial Services 17.9%
Consumer Services 13.7%
Healthcare 11.7%
Business Services 10.0%
Hardware 9.3%
Energy 8.6%
Consumer Goods 8.1%
Industrial Materials 8.0%
Utilities 6.1%
Media 3.1%

S&P MidCap 400 Components, Sectors & Performance
