Some Like It Hot?

Following up on Does Tin Foil Hat Jerry Understand? More from a Naybob of AGW - Anthropogenic Global Warming...

In this episode, in an attempt to mop up his carbon funded parrot food vomit, Tin Foil Hat Jerry throws in a towel. But all we keep hearing is more parroting, sun spots, squawk, volcanoes, squawk, UN conspiracy, squawk...

Tin Foil Hat Jerry: Sorry. But I am no longer partaking in this little debate. Science is subjective when it comes to theory.  Global cooling, global warming, climate change is all theory. It is useless to partake in someone who has one view. Do you even factor in volcanoes and sun spots or the heating and cooling of the sun itself?  Yes. It too, just like our planet regularly heats and cools and even resets itself. Or wait, you didnā€™t know that?  How about the natural sunspot theory?  Oh wait. Doesnā€™t fit an agenda. Seriously dude. There are a billion variables and itā€™s all just theory. You keep promoting it for the purpose of taxing and giving grants to people with an agenda.  Leave fixing the ā€œproblemā€ to serious people. Good day

AGW Naybob: "You keep promoting it for the purpose of taxing and giving grants to people with an agenda."  Strawman much? I did no such thing, I only discredited your position based in false doctrine. More false claims, what else is new with the whiny fake news crowd?

Tin Foil Hat Jerry: claimed to discredit. Fixed it for ya. No need to thank me. Move along  Remember we are arguing about theories. OMG. They regularly ignores data. They continue to fudge results.  You are a child. I am walking away.  You simply canā€™t fix stupid.

AGW Naybob:"You simply canā€™t fix stupid.... Leave fixing the ā€œproblemā€ to serious people."  You are finally making sense, thank you as I too have little time to waste.  In closing, you would be well advised to take your own advice.  All your shifts, pivots, shuck and juvenile jive above, evidence a poor foundation in how real science works.  

If you don't like it, prefer geocentric, flat world, pseudo science, or just can't handle the plain truth... rather than the usual politicizing, pontification, demagoguery and general ass-hattery, kindly get the f**k out of the way of those who can recognize an obviously serious problem which demands immediate attention to find a workable solution.  Now, I shall leave you where I found you.

Tin Foil Hat Jerry: never said we shouldnā€™t fix a problem. But the asshattery scare mongering is ridiculous. These are the same scientist who declared entire continents would be sinking by 2020. Snow would go extinct. You help prove my point.  There are a billion variables and you want blame man. Until you address two most glaring causes of the so called climate ā€œwhat ever you call it this weekā€ heating/cooling/change -which in unequivocally volcanoes and the actions of the sun itself. Stop blaming everyone else for something they play a minute role in.   Now I am heading to the beach. #endless_summer.

The Nattering One muses...  No better than a Hubbertarian peak oil acolyte or Teslarian... a litany of persecutory delusion, conspiracies, straw men, ad hominem, circular logic, and cult like belief in carbon funded pseudo science. All of which makes Tin Foil Hat Jerry your typical misinformed AGW denier. Proof? Sadly, the US has one living in the White House.  

Jerry's heading to the beach? As said activity might be limited in the near future, one should enjoy the beach and outdoor activities while they can. Without appropriate and timely action on our part, we will have the Tin Foil Hat Jerry's of the world, and our own procrastination to thank for that condition. Hopefully not and TBD.

In Apocalypse Now, "Charlie don't surf".  Under both common sense and rigorous scientific scrutiny, Tin Foil Hat Jerry's conspiracy theories and many straw men don't surf, much less float. We may all too soon need to wear tin foil hats, as the endless summer may indeed be upon us. As for the Tin Foil Hat Jerry's of the world, some like it hot. Along those lines...

For those who "think" we are only experiencing a global axial tilt aka 41K year Milankovitch Cycle, 800 Million years of ice core samples are saying something else...

Above, this NASA trend chart shows a current 410ppm CO2 level, with at least 130ppm (+46%) rate of change in only 70 years vs the previous 800 Million years. Just a cyclical spike? Not. The levels have spiked before on numerous occasion, but not like this. 

Do the current "operators" think this vertical ROC (or delta) spike in CO2 might be warning or an alarming trend?  Higher CO2 levels (greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere, what's next? Extreme heat that sent electricity demand and power prices surging to record levels in Texas?
Can we finally get a diagnosis for Tin Foil Jerry's denialism? More to come in Damn It's Hot? Stay tuned, no flippin.

FYI, normally a finger wag would be coming at the AGW Naybob for paraphrasing some of our Natterings. But in this case all is forgiven for putting an ass clown in their place viz One can nudge their ignorant ass off the cliff, a small service for the planet?  I like it and might just use it. Tit for tat?


Salmo Trutta saidā€¦
Government is not sounding the alarms?