AMD; Capital One; Etrade

AMD, #2 chipster, reported its 6th straight quarterly loss,

$358 vs $611 million; on -15% vs Q4 and -22% vs Q1 revenues; announced 1600 layoffs and warned with lowered forward guidance.

Capital One, Q1 net income -19%; net income $548.5 vs $675 million, with $310 million benefit from VISA IPO;

on +14% revenues; US credit card profit -8.8%; outlook "significantly deteriorated due to weakness in (the) U.S. economy."

Etrade, posted a Q1 loss of $91.2 million vs profit of $169.4 million.

ETrade is trying to right itself after the Chicago hedge fund Citadel Investment in November bought

its $3 billion portfolio of housing-related securities for about $800 million.

As part of that deal, Citadel also lent ETrade about $1.75 billion.
