Would I Lie To You?

Famous Last Words or Just Whisper Sweet Nothings In My Ear or The Check is In The Mail and I promise I won't...

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs told shareholders at the firm's annual meeting last week that "we're closer to the end than the beginning" of the crisis.

John Mack, Morgan Stanley's CEO, said last week that the credit-market contraction will probably last "a couple of quarters" longer.

April 9 Lehman Bros had to bail out five short-term debt funds last quarter that were crippled by frozen credit markets.

The firm took $1.8 billion of assets from the funds onto its books at the time, and recorded a $300 million loss.

Earlier this month Lehman raised $4 billion from a stock sale, seeking to quell concern the firm was low on capital.

Today, Richard Fuld, CEO of Lehman Brothers., speaking at the annual shareholders meeting said

the "current environment remains challenging and the worst is behind us."

The Nattering One muses... How do you say "f*ck you" in yiddish? Trust me.

Much like our legislative branch in action, when so many of these whorish blue bloods line up to profess the same thing,

it is virtually guaranteed that anything but the truth, spew forth from their filthy pie holes.

We diligently remind our faithful, the end or bottom, nowhere in sight, with the worst yet to come.
