Rinse and Repeat?

Following up on Pay No Attention?  
Lower incentive spending and the timing of vehicle launches -- not weakening demand -- were the main reasons for GM's big sales decline.
GM is on track to return to profit growth in the key North America region next year. The recent slump is nothing to worry about. 
General Motors' Double-Digit Q3 Sales Plunge Is No Big Deal - The Fool
No big deal and nothing to worry about, yet...
GM has been cutting jobs to deal with plunging car sales in North America.  
GM said on Oct. 31 that about 18,000 of its 50,000 salaried employees in North America are eligible for the buyouts. 
many industry executives and analysts predict that overall vehicle sales in the United States will decline further in 2019 and 2020. 
At the same time, China, the worldā€™s largest auto market and GMā€™s biggest market by vehicle sales, has decelerated sharply in the past few months.
Total vehicle production at the Oshawa complex fell 60 percent through the first ten months of 2018 from the same period a year ago,  - Reuters
A learned one might ask, what about China?
China's domestic automobile industry experienced 4.0 percent year-on-year negative growth in July, continued to decline 3.8 percent year-on-year in August and posted a double-digit fall in September. 
China's automobile sales dropped 11.6 percent year-on-year to 2.39 million for the sharpest monthly decline in the past seven years in September.
and what about GM auto sales in China?
The sales of Shanghai General Motors Wuling dropped the most to 98,688 from 130,564 by 24.4 percent year-on-year. - China Daily
Declining demand has nothing to do with double digit declines? It's all sales incentives and delivery timing? 

One might suppose that explains away the double digit decline in China as well? One wonders what GM announced on Monday, November 26th?

Perhaps for one to believe the narrative, one must stay on a steady diet of MSM parrot food, and constantly rinse and repeat? 

More to come in Big Trouble In Little China? Stay tuned, no flippin.

Recommended reading:
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Know Your Limitations?
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A Little Shop Of Horrors? 
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Begin The Benign?
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Shutdown Impacts Inflection?
LIBOR: Putting Out A Fire With Gasoline?
A Yen For Liquidity? Or No Yen For Carry?
Interest Rate Swaps: Putting Out A Fire With Gasoline?
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Conundrums: Putting Out A Fire With Gasoline?
And The Band Played On?
If A Tree Falls?
Pay No Attention?
